Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio Systems is a full service bathroom remodeling contractor and provider of Ella’s walk in bathtubs that has served the Belvidere area since 1985. In fact, Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio’s full service walk in bathtubs team is able to bring your dream of having walk in tubs to a successful finish. Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio provides walk in baths that will add peace of mind for clients at risk of falling or injury. Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio is able to help you find the perfect walk in bathtubs for your home. Customers have been putting their faith in Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio for the past 30 years and continually recommend us to their aging family and friends. Walk in bathtubs are a necessity in many cases. We have the know how to help you have your walk in bathtubs installed quickly and correctly.
Belvidere Walk In Baths
Belvidere is known as the “City of Murals” because of its numerous murals found throughout this Illinois city. The artistic town of Belvidere is the county seat of Boone County and has an estimated 25,585 residents who enjoy the Kishwaukee River during every season. Since the opening of its showroom in 2010, Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio has been able to show firsthand the quality we provide in each of our Ella safety bathtubs. We want you to make us your first choice for your walk in bathtub or safety bath in the Belvidere area. Our Belvidere clients are assured that we are able to produce the walk in bathtubs they can enjoy for years. Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio focuses on customer satisfaction with every installation of Ella’s walk in bathtubs.
Belvidere Safety Bathtubs
Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio is a walk in bathtubs source that helps create a space where you can feel safe using your walk in bathtubs. We take the time to make sure your needs are met with the unique features each walk in bath offers. We pride ourselves on being the best walk in bathtubs business in the area. All safety tubs come standard with textured slip resistant floors, safety grab bars and toe kick access panel for threshold lowering. Moreover, Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio brings a level of expertise to the planning process that allows us to always stay on time and in budget with every single one of our walk in bathtub installs. Don’t wait, contact Luxury Kitchen & Bath Design Studio Systems today to hear more about our walk in baths and safety baths. Allow us to help make bathing a time to relax by eliminating risk of injury.
Belvidere Walk In Bathtubs | Belvidere Walk In Baths | Belvidere Safety Bathtubs | Belvidere Safety Baths | Belvidere Walk In Tubs